Derived from Norse Mythology, YGGBi owns a blended meaning of dialogue, connection, creativity and universality.
Our name holds our brand implication through the combination of Yggdrasil and Bifröst.
Our Work
Create new memories to refuel confidence into the domestic travel market
+ Brand Reputation
+ Social Storytelling
+ UGC Campaign
+ Internal Activation
Be the standard-creator and thought-leader in lighting
+ Brand Activation
+ Mindset Education
+ Experiential
+ Social Storytelling
+ E-Retailing
Share a value & re-create a lifestyle with modern females
+ Brand Activation
+ Trend Creation
+ Influencer Marketing
+ Social Storytelling
+ E-Retailing
Re-define an insurance brand among the middle class in China
+ Brand Activation
+ Integrated Campaign
+ Influencer Marketing
+ Social Storytelling
+ Experiential Marketing
创新 + 传承
Innovative Inheritor
YGGBi-ers是一群创新的传承者。传承的是源自多年国际领先传播机构扎实的专业知识、全球化的视野和方法论、以及高效的流程和高尚的道德标准;创新的是我们基于中国本土市场快速变化的洞察和开拓性的思维,利用我们的经验和资源,为客户开发量身定制的解决方案以创造真正的价值。We’re a group of Innovative Inheritors. Besides inheriting the solid and professional expertise; global perspective and methodologies; systematic approaches and high ethical standards from our international agencies’ experiences; we’re devoted to creating true values via leading innovative initiatives, developing tailor-made solutions, driving different approaches through pioneering thoughts based on strong local insights and resources.Contact Us
仲益大厦2718室 200041
T (021) 5253 5800
Business Development | Business@yggbi.com
HR & Recruitment | HR@yggbi.com
Wechat: YGGBi 昱伴传播